Ten Posters Empowering the Vote
In partnership with Nonprofit VOTE and the League of Women Voters, the Professional Association for Design (AIGA) has activated its network across the U.S. and beyond to design Get Out the Vote posters. The campaign is part of Design for Democracy, an AIGA initiative to increase civic participation through design.
In addition to voting, AIGA invites its members to inspire citizens in their community to participate and build local awareness of midterm elections, registration deadlines, absentee, mail-in, and early voting details. Visit VOTE411.org to find out about upcoming elections in your community.
Below are five vote posters by women encouraging participation in the 2022 midterms.
Ten Posters Empowering the Vote
Title: Democracy is a Process
Submitted By: Sarah Martin
Chapter: AIGA Chicago
Artist Statement: “The Statue of Liberty, an international figure representing democratic principles that undergird our nation’s ideology, is shown here under construction. My design relies on archival photography from the New York Public Library’s Digital Collections in order to metaphorically humanize the infamous icon, reminding a U.S. audience that the ideals we uphold require ongoing work. The typography reads: “democracy is a process, not a discreet event. Vote.” It falls to us, as citizens, to determine what our ideology will be today, tomorrow, and in the future. One way to do this is through the civic processes that give voice to our values: to speak, to organize, to vote.”
Title: Shape the Future
Submitted By: Courtney Williams
Chapter: AIGA Houston
Artist Statement: “Shape the Future begs voters to consider who they are making decisions for when practicing their rights of voting. It’s not only for yourself, but also for others and for those who cannot yet vote, such as children. Each vote Shapes the Future for those to come. Don’t you wish someone would have thought of you?”
Title: Your Voice Matters
Submitted By: Elysia Syriac
Chapter: AIGA Colorado
Artist Statement: “A few people determine the future of our country each year. If you don’t show up, you don’t have a say and lose the right to complain. It is critical to our future, our democracy, and our freedoms that each person go and cast their vote for the type of life they want to have in the US.”
Title: Your Ballot, Your Vote
Submitted By: Silvia Garcia
Chapter: AIGA Houston
Artist Statement: “Behind every ballot is one person. We all take different shapes and forms but in the end we all want the same thing, to be heard, that’s the importance of casting your ballot.”
Title: Never Doubt
Submitted By: Wendy Ruyle
Chapter: AIGA Minnesota
Artist Statement: “A quote from Margaret Mead about civic engagement encourages us to connect with one another through action. The interconnected letters in the word vote and the hopeful shade of yellow reinforce the possibility of that action to create a better country for all.”
About AIGA
AIGA, the professional association for design, advances design as a professional craft, strategic advantage and vital cultural force. As the largest community of design advocates, they bring together practitioners, enthusiasts and patrons to amplify the voice of design and create the vision for a collective future. AIGA defines global standards and ethical practices, guides design education, inspires designers and the public, enhances professional development, and makes powerful tools and resources accessible to all.
Images provided by AIGA Get Out the Vote poster campaign.
Five Past Posters Empowering the Women’s Vote Campaign (2020)
Title: All the Cool Girls Vote
Submitted By: Lynell Ingram
AIGA Chapter: Chicago
Artist Statement: “Voting is our right, our duty, and our power. I believe in women, women’s’ empowerment, and our ability to influence the world and our collective futures for the better. This is my watercolor painting to put what I want to scream from the rooftop into an image and to speak to all of us, including the young or disenfranchised. We need our voices to be heard, on all platforms, but especially at the ballot box.”
Title: Her Vote, Her Voice
Submitted By: Jennifer Visocky O’Grady
AIGA Chapter: Cleveland
Artist Statement: “Handwriting is as individual as fingerprints. Now that we’re constantly typing it feels even more unique. I asked my circle to WRITE me a note about voting, share a memory or a motivation. These are the voices of beloved aunts, valued colleagues, the gals from book club and the gym, my piano teacher, friends of the family, neighbors, my daughter’s old babysitter…you get the range. Different backgrounds, different life experiences, but each one committed to raising her voice through her vote. Every. Single. Election. You can always count on the ladies.”
Title: Voice of Change
Submitted By: Kaleena Sales
AIGA Chapter: Nashville
Artist Statement: “In November, the mothers, sisters, and daughters who have wept over the unjust loss of loved ones, will have their voices heard. For everyone who has ever been silenced by racist systems and have been oppressed by inequality, their votes will carry power and purpose–honoring those who came before and empowering those who are here today.”
Title: Voting is Beautiful
Submitted By: Louise Sandhaus
AIGA Chapter: Los Angeles
Artist Statement: “There are so many messages today employing fear and facts. Those tactics can be very successful, but for this project I wanted to use beauty as a means to draw people to the message and inspire voting. Flowers not only represent beauty but women and the feminine as well. And they come in many colors! For this project the image seemed perfectly befitting.”
Title: Your Vote is Your Voice
Submitted By: Melinda Beck
AIGA Chapter: New York
Artist Statement: “My dear friends: Your vote is precious, almost sacred. It is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect union.” – Rep. John Lewis
Images provided by AIGA Get Out the Vote: Empowering the Women’s Vote poster campaign.
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