Creative Women’s Quotes That Inspire

We live in a society where women and girls are constantly pressured to be perfect. These negatives can lead many down an unhealthy path of self-doubt and can prevent them from pursuing their creative passions. But our girls can push back by learning the stories of women who came before and overcame hardships. The online …

Women Forward International Presents The Vanguard: Engaging The Arts As A Tool For Human Unity

You’d be forgiven for thinking that an organization called Women Forward International (WFI) was concerned with women alone. However, as its President and Executive Director, Kent Davis-Packard explains in her letter of address for the organization’s 2021 The Vanguard event, this is not the case. “The study of sexism opens the door to the understanding …

overcoming your inner critic

Karen C.L. Anderson is a master-certified life coach and international bestselling author of several books, including Overcoming Creative Anxiety: Journal Prompts & Practices for Disarming Your Inner Critic & Allowing Creativity to Flow. Anderson corresponded with Girls That Create via email about her book, our Inner Critic and Inner Advocate, and how it all relates …


National Poetry Month, launched by the Academy of American Poets in 1996, reminds the public that poets play an integral role in our culture and that poetry matters. Here are ten quotes by female poets to celebrate. Ten Quotes by Women Poets “We all move forward when we recognize how resilient and striking the women …

girls support women

One of the most valuable things we can teach young girls is how to empower other women. It’s essential to show kids that they can use their voices to help others and build female camaraderie. Teaching empowerment skills helps girls develop stronger relationships with important women in their lives and encourages them to take significant …

Recap 2021 California Conference for Women

This spring, Girls That Create intern Latee’ Wilburn had the opportunity to attend the California Conference for Women. Below is her recap of the event and valuable takeaways she learned from speakers such as Stacey Abrams, Ursula Burns, Dr. Jane Goodall, and more. Bonus, here is the 2021 Conference playlist on Spotify. The California Conference …

10 Quotes About Moms Raising Daughters

Below are 10 touching quotes from women on raising daughters. Each one is a powerful reminder about mothers helping their girls grow up to lead full, valuable lives. 10 Quotes About Moms Raising Daughters “My mother’s love has always been a sustaining force for our family, and one of my greatest joys is seeing her …

how to be kind and empathetic

A favorite celebration for many, Random Acts of Kindness Day (Feb. 17), has many practices we can act on throughout the year. It also offers an opportunity to consider what exactly it means to be kind. We can all build our kindness muscles, and the benefits of doing so include improving overall wellness and solidifying …

Gender Equality: Refreshing Survey Results Give Women Hope

At the start of 2021 we don’t have to look far for reminders that in the hands of current powers, progress, equality, and empowerment are provisional and delicate social qualities. On the same day that Women Deliver hosted an online gathering of experts to discuss their report with Focus 2030 on gender equality, Poland imposed …

inspiring creative women

Like most professions throughout history, careers in the humanities and the arts were often restricted to men only. Despite massive hurdles, there are women creatives who worked tirelessly to become noteworthy figures in their artistic disciplines. To commemorate International Creativity Month, here are 10 uplifting quotes by modern-day creative women. 10 Quotes for Creative Women …