Fostering Creativity in Kids Through Travel and Adventure

As parents, it’s no secret we want our kiddos to think outside the box and imagine new possibilities. While there are many ways to stimulate creativity, one powerful approach is travel and adventure. Routine often dampens creativity because kids, like adults, become accustomed to familiar surroundings and patterns. By breaking free from the ordinary, we …

Unplugged Summertime Activities for Young Kids

With children out of school, summertime can be highly challenging for American households. Parents are looking for ideas on how to keep their kiddos entertained but at the same time having them be unplugged. Michele Borba, Ed.D., has put together the following list of summertime activities for children. They are free or low-cost and backed …

Feeling Out of Sorts? Start With Self-Compassion

We all have days when the harshest critic of our choices is ourselves. That’s why we need to model self-compassion for our girls as parents and caregivers. As life balance coach and speaker Renée Trudeau wisely points out in this article, instilling in your children the value of being kind to themselves can help them …

Drawing Pictures is Great for Children’s Development

When the weather’s bad and there’s no prospect of a trip to the park, we might well reach for crayons, pencils and paper as a way to keep our children entertained. But drawing is much more than a fun activity. It has wide-ranging benefits for children’s development. Here, we’ve outlined some of the ways drawing …

screen-free things to do

School holidays can feel like a marathon if all the kids want to do is watch TV, play Minecraft or repeatedly ask you for the iPad. There are lots of things you can do inside the house that do not involve a screen. And will help ward off any whines along the lines of: “I’m …

Jessica Lahey

In this episode, host Erin Prather Stafford spoke with Jessica Lahey, author of The Addiction Inoculation: Raising Healthy Kids in a Culture of Dependence. The two discussed the importance of understanding substance abuse and how to prevent it in children and adolescents. Listen to the full interview with on Word of Mom Radio. Lahey shares …

raising kids to pivot

What can you do to create a more adaptable child? Michele Borba, Ed.D., says the answer is simple: Give them plenty of practice. “If we can help our kids practice coping with ambiguous situations, they grow mentally stronger and more confident in handling the bumps and bruises of life,” says Dr. Borba, the author of …

storytelling parenting

“What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.” ―Muriel Rukeyser, American poet and political activist When was the last time you shared a story with your children from your life before you became a parent? Do they even know you had a life before them? There …

sand play

One of the things kids love most about the beach is the chance to play with sand. Sand is an excellent material to play with. It is versatile, widely available, open-ended and cheap. Not only is it nature-based, but it involves manipulation, exploration, and construction with materials to create imaginary worlds. On top of being …

What Makes You Come Alive

What makes you come alive? As parents and caregivers, the question is worth pondering as we move into a new year. That’s why nationally recognized life balance author/speaker/coach Renée Trudeau shared the following guest post with Girls That Create. Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. …