Raising Strong and Confident Daughters

Parents and caregivers strive to raise happy, healthy, successful, and creative girls in their parenting journey. However, it can be challenging in today’s world. According to psychologist Steve Biddulph, one out of five girls experience a severe psychological disorder, with anxiety and depression being very real threats.

That’s why, at Girls That Create, we do everything we can to help you empower and raise confident girls who will become strong women. We proudly offer resources to help you bring up the next generation of creative girls and young women. Select your girl’s age below.

make your girl a art space at home

Maybe you’ve stepped on paint one too many times or discovered markers without their caps. Perhaps you’re constantly mediating sibling disputes because the youngest is “borrowing” art supplies from the oldest and not putting them back. Whatever the reason, you know it’s time to create a dedicated art space for your little one at home. …

parenting a perfectionist

Some children show signs of perfectionism from early on. Young children might become frustrated and rip up their drawing if it’s not quite right. Older children might avoid or refuse to do homework because they’re afraid to make a mistake. Perfectionism can lead to children feeling overwhelmed, angry and frustrated, or sad and withdrawn. And …

Pocket Teaches Kids Financial Skills

Welcome to our series that celebrates the power of creativity and financial literacy in girls. Through insightful articles, we explore the importance of teaching girls financial skills, empowering them to make informed decisions, pursue their passions, and build a secure future. Join us as we delve into the intersection of creativity and finance so you …

Sacred Feminine Wisdom Can Heal Parents' Stressed-out Lives

Andrea Menard is the author of Seeds from the Sacred Feminine: A 52-Card Wisdom Deck with Handbook. She is an accomplished Métis singer, storyteller, speaker, and the founder of the Sacred Feminine Learning Lodge. Menard contributed the following guest post. You can listen to our interview with her on the Girls That Create podcast.  A …

visiting an art gallery with kids

In our house we have a favourite story about the time our toddler was dragged from the National Portrait Gallery kicking and screaming “I want to see more paintings!!!” She needed lunch, we had to go, but she really loved the “Nick Cave Gallery”, as she called it, with his luminous portrait by Howard Arkley …

What Does ‘Good Enough Parenting’ Look Like

There is a huge amount of pressure on parents today – from feeding babies the “best organic purees” to making sure older children get all the developmental opportunities they could possibly need, while of course documenting the whole thing on Instagram. There is also no shortage of advice about how to go about this. Just …

Three Activities to Help Your Child Think Like an Artist

As a visual artist and educator, I know how important it is to encourage your child to think and behave like an artist. But this is not necessarily about drawing or painting in a particular way. The habits of an artist include the ability to generate ideas, trust in creative processes, be comfortable with ambiguity, …